Residency Interviews
Salary & Benefits
UMMC-Related Information
The full Applicant Communication Package can be found on the GME website. This has been updated with the FY25 contract as well as salaries.
The Sample Resident Agreement includes information about the following:
Financial support
Vacation policies
Professional liability insurance, including tail coverage
Disability and health insurance
Professional, parental, and other leave of absence policies and benefits, as well as the effect of leave for satisfying completion of the program
Conditions for living quarters, meals, and laundry
Counseling, medical, and psychological support services
Policy on physician impairment and substance abuse
Residents’ Responsibilities
Duration of Appointment
Conditions for Reappointment
Policy on professional activities outside of the program, including moonlighting
Grievance procedure
Policy on gender or other harassment
Institutional policies referenced in the agreement are:
Institutional Commitment Policy for Graduate Medical Education (GMS-B)
Due Process Hearing Procedure (GMS-C)
Leave of Absence (GMS-E)
Evaluation and Advance of Residents (GMS-G)
Extracurricular Employment/Moonlighting (GMS-I)
Employee Health Service Pre-Employment Assessment (GMS-K)
Sexual and Other Harassment (GMS-L)
Physician Impairment and Counseling Services (GMS-M)
Paid Leave Benefits (GMS-N)
Duty Hours (GMS-P)
Technical Skills for Applicants (GMS-Q)
We encourage you to check out all of the information provided by UMMC GME, including policies and resources.
UMMC Educational Funding
UMMC provides $500 per calendar year (January-December) to cover the cost of seminars, conferences, professional dues, and study materials.
Department-Paid Benefits
The Department of Medicine offers some benefits that may be helpful to our PGY1 residents. Information related to these benefits can be found here.
Department of Neurology provides the following benefits for residents:
Paid on-campus parking for each year of training
$2000 individual “book fund”
Cumulative during your time as a Neurology resident (divided as $500/academic year that can roll forward) for books, trips, or other expenses
Many residents choose to roll this forward until PGY4 year and will then use it to help pay for the costs of boards
AAN membership
Full paid trainee membership beginning for PGY2s.
PGY1s are given the free intern-year membership as defined by the AAN.
Lunch supplied Monday through Friday at midday didactics for PGY2-4 residents
PGY1 residents attend IM didactics unless they are rotating with us
White coats and scrubs
UMMC Neurology jacket (given during PGY2 year)
Keyed access to the Resident Library in the hospital
Space features a couch, computers, textbooks, small fridge and microwave, snacks, Keurig coffee maker and supplies, conference table and chairs, etc.
Monthly “fun fund” of $200 that residents can use for group activities and social events (Please note this is $200/month for the WHOLE program of residents and is NOT per individual resident.)
The PGY2, PGY3, and PGY4 classes are each provided with a day-long retreat each spring. The date is chosen by the chief residents and coordinated so that the residents from each class have the day off from clinical duties. The morning of each retreat usually has an educational component and the rest of the day is given to the class to do whatever they’d like as a group. $300 per class is provided to use for their chosen fun activity.
The PGY4 class is sent to the AAN annual meeting each year. Funds are provided from an educational endowment to help offset related expenses. The amount provided varies based on the number of residents attending and the available funds in the account.
UMMC Trainee Unionization
In June 2024, residents and fellows at UMMC voted to be represented by the American Federation of Teachers (“AFT”). The vote was conducted and certified by the National Labor Relations Board. This was not an unusual occurrence; you may be aware that residents and fellows in many other graduate medical education programs have voted to unionize over the past few years.
The hospital and the union are preparing to begin contract negotiations. We anticipate that negotiations will begin in the fall of 2024.
All residents and fellows in UMMC programs must become union members. The union and the hospital will work out the particulars of how this happens during contract negotiations.