Resident Library

The resident library is located on the 4th floor between the north hospital and the Gudelsky Tower, overlooking the atrium. The library contains hundreds of neurology texts, as well as computers with internet access, and may be used by the residents 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The library can be accessed using the punch-code lock with the code 451.

‍Online Texts

Many of the texts we have purchased have accompanying online access, which can be accessed through Inkling:

‍Available titles on Inkling include:

  • Merritt’s Neurology 13th Edition

  • Rowan’s Primer of EEG

  • Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders

  • Clinical Anesthesia

  • Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine

  • Pocket Medicine

Other Online Text:

The Neurology of Eye Movements 5th Edition by John R. Leigh and David S. Zee

  • Click on “Sign in” on the LEFT side of the home page (there is sign in for some other type of personal profile account on the upper right – that will not work)

  • Username: umneuro

  • PW: pacapratt

  • Click on “Browse all titles in your subscription” on the left under the sign in area

Cleaning & Supply Requests

  • To make a supply request contact Brooke Oster at or on TigerConnect.

  • To make a cleaning request contact (OneCall) at 1-800-373-4111.
    Someone must be available to unlock the door for the cleaning person.

Room Numbers:
Resident Library - S4C19
Stroke Team Room - G4J25
Consult Team Room - S4C20
General Team Room - G4J23
Chief Office - S4C21

VA Laptop

We have obtained a VA laptop computer successfully, which is located in the Neurology Resident Library on the left desk. The laptop is secured to the desk with a lock - please do not attempt to remove for any indication. Dr. Fredrich has accepted IT responsibility for this computer and asks you treat this device with the same regard as your own equipment. If there are any computer issues in the future, please contact Dr. Fredrich. There is additionally a power cable, which plugs into the computer on the right side. If dual monitors are required for your work, we can connect an HDMI cable to the monitors already available in the library - please let the education team know if this is required. 

In order to successfully use the VA laptop from the library, all residents will need to request VPN access if not already completed.

How to obtain VA VPN Access

  1. Login to a desktop computer while on site at the VA. You must be behind the VA firewall and on the network, thus physically in the building, to make this request. 

  2. Open a web browser and paste the following link OR click on this link via your email:

  3. Select the blue box at the top of the page titled "Request Access"

  4. Fill out the form 

    1. For justification, type "Resident physician use of CPRS for patient care"

    2. For site, select Baltimore VA (or likeness)

    3. For supervisor, select Louis Snowden. (If Louis Snowden is not a selection choice, select Carolyn Cronin)

  5. On the following page, select first checkbox "VA issues Laptop/desktop". Scroll down and select checkbox "Rescue Access"

  6. Submit request - you will get a popup stating your request has been submitted and email confirmation once this approved

Once you have obtained VPN access, you will be ready to use the VA laptop computer in the library. 

How to use the VA Laptop Computer

  1. Insert PIV card into the left side, lower corner of the laptop

  2. Select login with PIV card and enter your PIN from login screen

  3. Once logged in, the computer should automatically connect to the University WIFI. If not connected, this is identical to the university computers (use your EPIC login and password)

  4. In the bottom right corner, select the up arrow (1), then Citrix workspace icon (2). 

5. Once connected through Citrix, double click on the desktop icon "VA Apps". If there are multiple folders, select "BAL". Scroll down to CPRS, double click, and enjoy your medical record access. 

Last Updated: December 2024