Verifications & Claims History

As you start to plan your next steps after residency, you will need to start getting training verifications and also your claims history from your time at UMMC. Below is important information about these processes.


Courtney Lewis handles all training verifications within our office. You can provide her name and email address to entities who need to verify your residency, or use our general email address.

Verifications can take up to two weeks to process. If you have graduated in the last two academic years, all of your verifications are done free of charge. Verifications for graduates beyond that timeline have a processing fee. Our office will bill the verification requestor (company, hospital, etc.). Payment must be received before a verification will be released.

Claims History/Liability Coverage

If you were employed by UMMC (received a paycheck from UMMC) you were covered by MMCIP during your training.

Professional Liability (Malpractice) Coverage:

Residents and fellows employed by the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) are provided medical professional liability coverage through a program of self-insurance administered by the Maryland Medicine Comprehensive Insurance Program (MMCIP).  Coverage is afforded for clinical activities performed within the scope of employment and training program authorized by, and at locations approved by, the Graduate Medical Education Office and MMCIP.

Coverage Summary

Program Administrator: Maryland Medicine Comprehensive Insurance Program (MMCIP)

Address: 250 W. Pratt Street, Suite 1200, Baltimore, MD 21201

Contact: Phone: 410-328-4704 (8-4704) | Email:

Policy Number: None, we are self-insured.

Limits of Liability: $1,000,000 per claim and $3,000,000 annual aggregate

Policy Term: Residents and fellows are covered for the duration of their training period. Coverage terminates upon completion of the training program, or termination of employment, the sooner thereof. The policy is renewed each year on July 1 and continues through the following June 30.

Policy Form and Type of Coverage:  Coverage is on a Claims Made with Tail policy form.  MMCIP coverage will respond for alleged errors or omissions, which occur in connection with the furnishing of professional healthcare services during the period of your employment/residency and were performed within your approved educational program or delineation of privileges.  Coverage is subject to the limits of liability, terms and conditions of the Trust and any extensions thereof.

Extended Reporting ("tail") coverage: Coverage is provided on a Claims Made with Tail basis, therefore no “tail” coverage is necessary.

 Coverage does not extend to professional activities outside of the scope of your residency/fellowship program, including external employment (moonlighting). Please do not assume you have coverage for any activity performed outside of your of your training program unless you have specifically been advised by MMCIP. Questions about the scope of professional liability coverage should be directed to MMCIP.

Claims History/Certificates of Insurance:

To request that a copy of your claims history and/or certificate of insurance (COI) be sent to a new training facility or employer, please send a request to: You must request a claims history in writing. Email is the fastest way to accomplish this.  The request must specifically state to whom to send the claims history and/or COI.  You must provide an email address for the recipient, or a fax number if there is no email. 

MMCIP requires at least 5-7 business days to complete a request, but a high volume of requests will affect turnaround times.  This is especially true from May to August.  Please do not email or call to follow up on a request that you sent within the last week.  This slows down the process for all requestors.

If you have questions or wish to speak with a member of the Underwriting Department team, you may call MMCIP’s main number at 410-328-4704 (8-4704) for assistance. 

**MMCIP will issue one COI which will show coverage for all your years of training here at UMMC.  Individual COIs for each year you were covered by MMCIP are not necessary.**

Last Updated: September 2, 2024