Phone Numbers

Important Phone Numbers

Code Blue & Airway Emergency Team: Call the operator at 410-328-8667 to activate.

‍Bed Coordinators: Devin Williams / Lauren E - 8-4097

Overnight Peds Neuro Consult: Call 410-706-6091 to reach their answering service (if it isn’t Dr. Thompson)

Hyperbaric Medicine: Call Express Care (8-1234) and ask for Hyperbaric Physician on-call

MICU: 8-6196

Security Contacts:

  • Downtown Security Walking Escort: 410-328-8711

  • Downtown Campus: UMB Police at 410-706-6882


Anticoagulation Clinic: 8-4300

Cardiac Surgery: 8-5842

Cardiology: 8-7877

Cardiology NPs: 8-7579

Cardiology (Park/Ramani): 8-7260

Cardiomyopathy: 8-8788

Center for Diabetes & Endo: 8-6584

Dermatology: 8-7900

Echo Lab: 8-6072

Electrophysiology: 8-6056

Endocrine: 443-682-6800

ENT: 8-6866

Faculty Practice: 8-5196

Family Medicine: 8-8792

Frenkil: 410-328-4323

  • NOTE: The only number that goes to the answering service after hours is 410-328-4323.  Therefore, that is the only number that you should be giving out.

  • Physician/Independent Provider ONLY Back Line – (i.e. answered by staff during business hours) is 410-328-9947DO NOT GIVE THIS NUMBER TO PATIENTS.

General Surgery: 8-6187

Genetics: 410-328-3335

GI: 8-4300

GYN: 8-6640

GYN Penn St: 410-706-2500

Heart Failure: 8-8788

Hematology: 8-7609 or 8-7904

Hepatology: 8-1358

Infectious Disease: 8-9102

Internal Medicine: 8-4300

Interventional Radiology: 8-7467 or 8-0000

Diabetes & Endocrinology: 8-6584

JHH Cardiology: 410-502-0550

JHH Internal Medicine: 410-955-5094

Medical Oncology: 8-7450 or 8-7609

MD Dental School: 410-706-2940

MD General Wound: 410-225-8600

Nephrology: 8-5720

Neuropsych Testing: 8-6297

Neurosurgery: 8-6034

Neuro IR: 8-7467

Nuclear Medicine: 8-6891

Occupational Medicine: 410-706-7464

OMFS: 410-706-6195

Ophthalmology: 8-6533

Orthopedic: 410-448-6400

Outpt Physical Therapy: 8-0586

Outpt Ultrasound: 8-3225

Pain Management: 410-448-2500 /  410 448-6824

Plastic Surgery: 8-2360

Podiatry: 8-4300

Psych: 8-8415 Rose| 6231 (Intake)| 8-2564 (Dr. Bales)

Pulmonary: 8-8141

Radiology: 8-5700

Radiology Scheduling: 8-0152

Radiation Oncology: 8-6080

Results: 8-2221

Rheumatology: 8-4300

Rheumatology (Kernan): 410-448-6398

Sleep: 410-706-4771

Soft Tissue: 8-2399

Substance Abuse: 8-6600

Surgical Oncology: 8-7320

Thoracic Surgery: 8-6388

Transitional Care: 8-3750

Transplant Kidney: 8-5225

Transplant Liver: 8-9138

Transplant Pulmonary: 8-2864

Ultrasound: 8-6774

UMROI Spasticity, SCI, TBI, Stroke, Neuro-Urology Clinics: (410)448-2500

UM Rehab Outpatient Therapy Manager for Outpatient PT, OT, SLP: (410)448-6802

Urology: 8-5570

Vascular: 8-5840

Wound Care: 8-3179



  • New:  b84000

  • Follow Up: b5136

  • Other requests (i.e. Tylenol or diets): the SAO (# 7874) is the designated resident for all other consults

  • Routine Floor Pages: 5136

ACES Consult Response Times: 

  • Emergent (STAT): 15-20mins

  • Urgent: 60-90 mins

  • Non-Urgent: by the end of the day


  • Admissions Fellow Pager: 8058

  • Consult Fellow Pager: 8057

  • EP Fellow Pager: 8059

  • VA Blue Fellow Pager: 8061

Diabetes:  b7013

Endocrine:  b13021


  • UMMS: 12815

  • Hep: 12817

  • IBD: 12818

  • ERCP: 11567

  • VA: 12816

Heme: 11596

ID:  b9508

Med Consult: b2373

MED IMC: b8856

Med Oncology: 11597

MIS: b5137

MICU: 86196


  • After hours: b10855

  • UMMC: b12987

  • ICU: b10480

  • Dialysis: b10306

  • Transplant: p10479

  • VA Consult: p12780

Neurosurgery:  p9290

Nutrition: p0115

OMFS: 410-232-3496 / b1333

Ophthalmology: b5907

Orthopaedics: 8-6969 / b8244

Palliative Medicine:

  • Place consults in Epic

  • Send questions and messages to the Doc Halo UMMC - Palliative Medicine Consult Service group. 

Psych: 8-6091

  • Night/Weekend Emergency: b4456

Pulmonary: b7856

Rheumatology: b3306

Substance Abuse: 8-6169/ b6738

Surgical Endoscopy (PEG): b3033


  • New consults: b85000

  • Follow-up or complications: b11787, NP/PA

  • In-house phone: 8-4611

PT/OT: 8-7667

  • PT: b5810

  • OT: b8739


  • M-F & Weekend After 12n: b1620

  • Weekend Before 12n: b12090


LifeImage Portal

ER Reading Room: 8-9256

Neuroradiology Read Room: 8-0622

Trauma Reading Room: 8-8843

‍ER CT: 8-0811

First Floor CT: 8-8151

Trauma CT: 8-8839

MRI: 8-3002, then press option 2

CT Manager: Kristina Mcelwee [can Tiger if problem getting in touch with CT or urgent CT-specific issue]

In the event you are unsuccessful in contacting the ED CT scanner for a BAT patient: 

  • Use pager number: 12082 and state you have a BAT patient with call back number. This pager number does not replace phone notification.

‍On-Call Radiology Resident: 8-2447, p4316

STAT X-ray: 8-5533 

Film library: 8-2590

Echo: 8-6072

EEG: 8-6266

EKG/Holter: 8-6458

Neurovascular lab: 8-5221 (fax 8-8579)

On Call Neurovascular Fellow: b 410-389-2431

IR: 8-7490

Neuro IR Attending: b11174 / 410-232-2170

Neuro IR Fellow: b11175 / 410-232-1424

Neuro IR Control Room: 8-1192

Neuro IMC: 8-5350

Neuro 5W: 8-5360

In-House Numbers

Family Medicine: 8-5385

Inpt PT/OT: 8-8217

Med 1: 8-1800

Med 2: 8-5230

Med 3: 8-2805, 8-2796

Med 4: 8-0254

Med ID: 8-6648

Med 6: 8-2367, pager 6336

3D: 8-5330

8W Cancer: 8-5420

9W Cancer: 8-4142

10E Med: 8-5320

10W Med IMC: 8-4230

11E Med: 8-6684

11W Psych: 8-6797

12E Psych: 8-6909

12W Psych: 8-5386

13E Med: 8-3095

13W Med: 8-2792

Trauma Team A: pg 3194

Trauma Team B: pg 3195

Trauma Team C: pg 3196

T3 (SICU): 8-6454

T4N: 8-3737

T5S: 8-8966

TRU: 8-8869

CCRU: 8-4855

CSICU: 8-5382

ED: 8-9595

ED Charge Nurse: 8-7975

L&D: 8-6030

PES: 8-1219

Apheresis Lab: 8-7508

PACU 8-5923

Trauma PACU 8-2001


General: 8-3704

Cytology: 8-5560

Immunology: 8-5647

Pathology: 8-5555

Microbiology: 8-5536

Sendout Lab: 8-3470


Paca Pratt Main: 8-6483

4IMC Fax: 8-0675

Stroke Team Room: 8-8642, 8-8643

Stroke BAT attending on call

Stroke Team Room FAX: 443-462-3012

General Team Room: 8-1471, 8-4944

‍Stroke Pager: p0395

General Pager: p6378

Consults Pager: p12710

VA Neurology Pager: p11421

NCCU 7W: 8-4242

NCCU 7E: 85336

NeuroICU Attending: 8-4552

NeuroICU Fellow: 8-4083

NeuroICU NP: 8-7221

NeuroICU Charge Nurse: 8-4079

Neurosurgery Team Room: 7-4294

Neurosurgery NP Phones: 8-7121/8-7122

EEG Tech: 6p-6a:  8-4095, 6a-6p:   7-7060, 7-7061

EEG Fellow: p12054

EMU: 8-1658

‍Inpatient Pharmacy: 8-5644

Pt Management:

Case Manager (Sandy Worthington): p8156

Social Work (Raji): p3318

Weekend CM: 410-389-1575, p8159

‍Bed Coordinator: 8-3148, p3148

Trauma Bed Coordinator: p1030

Risk Management: 8-4704

Express Care: 8-1234


Baltimore EMS: To talk to the team who brought patient to ED, call Fire Dept Communications at 410-396-5684

Anesthesia non-emergent issues (i.e. intubation needed for MRI, etc.): 8-7418

Psychiatric Emergency Service (PES) for any patient in clinic who calls for suicidality: 8-1219

For post-LP blood patch:

  • Inpatients: Anesthesia 84540

  • Outpatients: UMROI chronic pain 410-448-6824

VA Numbers:

  • VA Accepting Coordinator (Linda Moses): 410-605-7433

Last Updated: November 12, 2024