Program Overview
Our program follows the ABPN Neurology Core Competencies as well as the ACGME Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Neurology.
Overall Program Goals
General Educational Goals for All Residents
First Year of Neurology Training
Second Year of Neurology Training
Third Year of Neurology Training
Overall Program Goals
To prepare the physician for the independent practice of neurology by providing training based on supervised clinical work with increasing responsibility for out-patients and in-patients.
To provide a foundation of organized instruction in the basic and clinical neurosciences and prepare the trainee for life-long learning.
To provide an opportunity to develop an investigative career in the basic neurosciences and in clinical neurology.
To develop the many personal attributes necessary for becoming an effective physician, including honesty, compassion, reliability, and effective communication skills.
To provide a comprehensive educational experience consonant with the ACGME core competencies.
General Educational Goals for All Residents
Become proficient in history taking and performance of the neurological examination in both in- and out-patient settings,
Effectively recognize and treat neurologic emergencies,
Become acquainted with the broad array of neurologic problems
Become proficient in the management of neurologic disorders,
Become knowledgeable about medications used in neurology and understand their side effects and complications,
Become knowledgeable about imaging of the nervous system and the spectrum of neurological diagnostic tests,
Become able to anticipate the patient’s clinical course and conduct focused assessment to detect adverse outcomes,
Become knowledgeable about neuroanatomy and able to efficiently and accurately localize neurologic symptoms to specific regions of the nervous system
Become able to efficiently synthesize information from patient history, exam, and testing to develop an appropriate differential diagnosis and evaluation and management plan,
Become familiar with the risk/benefit and cost effectiveness of common testing and treatments used in neurology,
Learn to work effectively in inter-professional teams to improve patient care and safety,
Develop the attitudes and skills for lifelong learning,
Become increasingly familiar with current neurology literature and incorporate appropriate evidence-based information into patient care,
Exhibit exemplary behavior and professionalism, including compassionate care and sensitivity to diverse patient populations
Become able to analyze and manage common ethical issues in neurology,
Develop interpersonal and communication skills including discussing neurologic issues with patients and families, and managing conflict in clinical situations,
Become proficient in communication with colleagues, including during transitions of care and serving as an effective neurology consultant
Become an effective leader of a medical team including becoming an effective teacher of medical students and junior residents,
Complete a clinical or basic science research project for presentation and/or publication,
Enhance public speaking skills at clinical case conferences and local/national meetings,
General Goals for the First Year of Neurology Training
Learn how to obtain an accurate neurologic history and to perform and interpret a neurological examination.
Learn the appropriate indications for ordering laboratory studies and testing in neurology: EEG, EMG, nerve conduction studies, evoked potentials, lumbar puncture, CT and MR imaging of the brain and spinal cord, angiography, etc.
To become familiar with basic interpretation of EEG and EMG.
To learn how to evaluate and treat common neurological problems:
Neurological Emergencies: Coma and mental status changes, stroke, seizures, increased intracranial pressure, life-threatening headache.
Common outpatient neurological problems: Headache, dizziness, back and neck pain, peripheral neuropathies.
Become proficient in lumbar puncture technique. Recognize abnormal CSF results and their meaning.
To recognize emergent findings on CT / MRI of brain and spinal cord.
To develop and improve written and oral communication skills and be conversant in neurology.
General Goals for the Second Year of Neurology Training
Develop mastery of neurologic history taking and examination, including adapting techniques to specific patients.
Become proficient in management of inpatient and outpatient neurologic problems.
Acquire and reinforce knowledge in the broad spectrum on neurologic disorders.
Develop proficiency in describing abnormalities in laboratory studies and testing in neurology: EEG, EMG, nerve conduction studies, evoked potentials, lumbar puncture, CT and MR imaging of the brain and spinal cord, angiography, etc.
Acquire and reinforce knowledge concerning basic neuro-sciences - pharmacology, physiology, etc.
Become familiar with managing a team and teaching of medical students.
Become familiar with medical systems of care, including the ability to recognize areas for improvement in patient care and initiate quality improvement.
Begin work on research project.
Define career goals.
General Goals for the Third Year of Neurology Training
Become proficient in the skills needed for the independent practice of neurology, including:
Mastery of efficient and organized neurologic history and examination across the spectrum of neurologic disorders.
Become skilled at diagnosis and treatment of common and uncommon inpatient and outpatient neurologic problems.
Develop leadership and teamwork skills including the ability to supervise and teach junior residents and medical students, to organize and triage patient care for the medical team, and to work in interprofessional teams to improve patient care.
Become familiar with common pediatric neurologic conditions and their therapy.
Finalize research project.
Last Updated: September 2022