Resident as Teacher

Residents are constantly exposed to events in which they are learners.  However, it is also important that residents learn to be effective teachers. Throughout their career, they will be expected to teach each other, the faculty, medical students, nurses and other health care providers, patients, and families. They can do this by adopting methods that they deem effective from teachers that they encounter as well as techniques they have developed and deemed effective through self-reflection.

‍More information and resources to enhance resident’s teaching skills can be found on the UMMC Graduate Medical Education Office website.

Here are also some resources that may be useful to you:

Cases for discussion during MS3 Neurology Clerkship:

Residents should use the patients the students have seen on service as a source of topics for discussion and teaching.  The students are also given a set of cases to discuss during the clerkship.

UMedic Cases – Instructor version

UMedic Cases Student Handout

Attached below are documents containing the cases - 

‍Neurologic exam resources:

Additional online education resources compiled for students.

Additional Helpful resources

Last Updated: September 2, 2024