Resident as Teacher
Residents are constantly exposed to events in which they are learners. However, it is also important that residents learn to be effective teachers. Throughout their career, they will be expected to teach each other, the faculty, medical students, nurses and other health care providers, patients, and families. They can do this by adopting methods that they deem effective from teachers that they encounter as well as techniques they have developed and deemed effective through self-reflection.
More information and resources to enhance resident’s teaching skills can be found on the UMMC Graduate Medical Education Office website.
Here are also some resources that may be useful to you:
Cases for discussion during MS3 Neurology Clerkship:
Residents should use the patients the students have seen on service as a source of topics for discussion and teaching. The students are also given a set of cases to discuss during the clerkship.
UMedic Cases – Instructor version
Attached below are documents containing the cases -
Neurologic exam resources:
Additional online education resources compiled for students.
Additional Helpful resources
Medical Education Resources and Faculty Development
ToldME (To Learn & Develop for Medical Educators) Podcast is for busy medical school faculty who want to expand their knowledge of teaching skills. Usually about 30min with some great tips on “Transforming your presentation skills” and the “Think-gather Think” episodes changed the way I practice.
Neurophilia – conversations with various subspecialist in Neurology
Neurology Nuts and Bolts - Learn about all the things that you wish you were taught about the practice of neurology.
Neurology Exam Prep – Great review of basic topics
Faculty Factory - Many topics in academic medicine but some applicable to medical education, such as this episode on impactful virtual chalk talks.
Professional Society Resources
Within the resident lecture series there is a Resident as Educator Training
Good resources on scholarly publishing
They also offer free webinars on several topics for trainees and faculty
Another nice resource on Presentations from AAMC
Scholarship in Medical Education
MedEdMENTOR - A virtual mentor for medical education scholarship and a theory network with summaries of over 250 frameworks applicable to medical education
Core Concepts in Medical Education
Online modules include:
Must Reads • Bayview Internal Medicine - Explore must-read articles from the health professions education literature and stay in-the-know about cutting-edge educational scholarship and practice.
KeyLIME (Key Literature in Medical Education) is a weekly podcast produced by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Last Updated: September 2, 2024