The Neurology department has a graduation banquet for residents and fellows every June. Information is usually sent out during the spring so you are are aware of the date and location, with formal RSVPs taken starting in May.
epic in-baskets
You will need to clean out your in-baskets and close all encounters. Please see below for steps that should be taken within Epic to ensure work is covered.
How to create an Out Message and delegate for EPIC In-Basket
Clear Epic In Basket. Complete all notes/calls/letters, review and done all results.
Create Out of Contact message. To the right are instructions on how to create an Out Message to create a delegate for any results that appear in their In Basket after you are gone.
Any residents staying at UMMS after June 30 (chiefs, fellows, hospitalist etc.) do NOT need to create an Out message, but you will need to clear your In Basket . If any results come to you after your last clinic day, ensure you understand who you should forward to (Clinic Attending, etc)
If you have any issue closing an encounter, please email both Jody Nemec ( and Kulah Davis ( ).
Exit Process
The Education Office will sent out an exit survey for all graduates to complete, whether staying for fellowship or moving on from UMMC. While your contract (and paycheck!) goes through June 30th, we recognize that many people will leave town sooner than that to prepare for their next position. You will be asked to identify your last working day so that arrangements can be made for you to turn in items. This will include your UMMC and VA badges, keys, pagers, parking, etc. Exact information will be sent out ahead of your last day.
Last Updated: May 19, 2022