
UMMC Benefits & Resources

As a hospital employee, your pay and benefits come from UMMC. Information about the benefits offered to trainees can be found here.

Information about available resources related to trainees and GME can be found here.

Information about University of Maryland Medical Center Graduate Medical Education policies can be found here.

Department Benefits

‍The Department provides the following benefits to our residents:

  • Annual paid membership to the American Academy of Neurology

  • Annual paid RITE examination fee

  • Parking fees for parking at UMMC and at Johns Hopkins Hospital during the Hopkins pediatric neurology rotation during PGY4 year. [Note: the other offsite rotation at UMROI offers free parking.]

  • A Book Fund of $500 per academic year for books, travel, and other professional discretionary expenses. Unused funds can roll over to the next year, giving residents up to $2000 available by their PGY4 year if funds are saved. (This is recommended, as it can be used at that time to cover the costs associated with your board exam registration fee.)

  • The program receives $200 per month as a “Fun Fund” that the group can use for an activity. This is resident organized and led. The money does not roll forward, so any money not used in a month is forfeited. Residents usually self-pay and submit receipts for reimbursement. (Please note this is $200 for the WHOLE program of residents and is NOT per individual resident.)

  • A Keurig coffee maker, coffee pods, cups/creamer/sugar/etc., is located in the resident library and supplies are maintained by the department.

  • The PGY2, PGY3, and PGY4 classes are each provided with a day-long retreat each spring. The date is chosen by the chief residents and coordinated so that the residents from each class have the day off from clinical duties. The morning of each retreat usually has an educational component and the rest of the day is given to the class to do whatever they’d like as a group. $300 per class is provided to use for their chosen fun activity.

  • The PGY4 class is sent to the AAN annual meeting each year. Funds are provided from an educational endowment to help offset related expenses. The amount provided varies based on the number of residents attending and the available funds in the account.

  • Lactation Rooms in Paca Pratt

    • These are located on the Lower Level of the Building (LL N 100). When exiting the elevators for the lower level, go through the doorway on the opposite side from the classroom doorway, near the vending machines and Men’s room. Scan your badge and enter through these doors. Once through the doors, go through the door to the left. Walk down the hall to the end and make a left. The lactation rooms are the third or fourth door on the right hand side of the hallway.

  • The Department covers the cost of:

  • Full Health Benefits including dental coverage and prescription plan

  • Disability insurance

  • Lab coats and Scrubs

  • UMMC Neurology jacket

Additional Resources Available to Support Resident Educational Activities


There are endowments that have been donated to the department to help support resident education, including:

  • Harry Oleynick Residents Fund

  • Charles Van Buskirk, M.D. Endowment

The annual spendable amount from these endowments varies from year to year.  If residents are planning to go to a meeting, or some other educational expense that they anticipate requesting funding for, they should let the Program Director know as soon as possible so that the funds for the year can be divided equitably.

UMMC Continuing Education Funds

You are eligible for up to $500 per calendar year for expenses directly related to your current position. This includes seminars, conferences, advanced certifications, professional dues, reference books, etc. Licenses, registrations, certifications that are required for your current position are not covered.

More information about this, including policy and instructions can be found here.

Meal Cards

Medical Records pays residents/fellows $2.00 for every completed discharge summary. A report is run on Monday and the funds are transferred by that Wednesday.

For inquires or issues related to discharge summary payment:

Zina White or 8-6271

For issues with access or cards being denied at the cafeteria register:

Darrick Terry | Retail Director

O: 410.328.4461 | M: 410. 202.6569

Last Updated: December 2024