Onboarding & Orientation


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We are excited for you to join us and get started with your work.

Over the next few months, we will be guiding you through the onboarding process. It is important to closely monitor your personal (non-institutional) email account, act on all requirements in a timely fashion, and update us of any changes to your mailing or contact information during this critical period of communication. Deadlines are absolute and it is imperative that you complete each task as soon as possible. 

The menu above has links to additional information about our program, links to important onboarding documents, and a place to submit your documentation. We encourage you to review these items and reach out to NeuroEducation@som.umaryland.edu if you have any questions!

The Neurology Education Office Onboarding & Orientation Team

Jillian Iffland

Academic Program Support Manager

Penelope Birckhead

Program Management Specialist

Brooke Oster Smith

Program Management Specialist I