Natus EEG Review
Natus is the EEG program utilized to record and review EEG studies at UMMC.
Residents can access Natus for EEG review in the following locations:
EEG Laboratory and reading room, 12th floor, South hospital (Rotunda elevators)
Epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) control room, 4th floor, Gudelsky
Bedside EEG machines for studies actively recording
Review of EEG studies in the EEG Lab and EMU control room:
Natus icon is available on the desktop screens
Once in the Natus application, patients can be searched for using the tabs at the top of screen, including tabs for “UMMC Continuous” and “UMMC Routines” depending on the type of study.
The search feature on the left side of the screen can also be utilized to locate patients’ studies.
Review of EEG studies at bedside EEG machines:
On the computer log-in screen, the username and password are both “xltek1”
To open a study for review while it is being recorded live, click the Review Current Study button. This button is located towards the top of the screen for live studies. This will open the study in “review mode” so that you can review the EEG data. The study will also continue to record/acquire data during this time.
Alternatively, click on the “Review” button once you are on the screen with the list of the patient’s EEG files.
The actively running EEG file will have a red icon in the “folder” column.
Please remember to close out the EEG study that is in “review mode” and not the actively running file, once you have finished reviewing the study.
If you think you may have inadvertently closed the live EEG file, please contact the EEG technicians on Tiger at “UMMC EEG Team” for assistance.