
General process for electives

At least two weeks prior to your scheduled elective, you need to submit the pre-elective form in MedHub. This is available as an “on-the-fly” evalation: On-The-Fly MedHub Pre-Elective Evaluation Form

  • In MedHub go to the evaluations tab -> initiate self-evaluation

  • Once clicked, there will be an Evaluation form: Pre-Elective Form - On the Fly

  • Click Submit and then fill out the information for the elective

Once completed, Dr. Mehndiratta will review your form and decide if your elective is approved. Failure to complete this form can involve the loss of your elective time.

Electives at Other Institutions

Wanting to complete an elective at another institution can involve a long planning process that can take MONTHS to iron out. As soon as you have an idea that you might want to do an elective at another institution, you should let Penelope Birckhead (pbirckhead@som.umaryland.edu) know. There will be paperwork that multiple people/offices at both institutions need to complete, at MINIMUM.

The Graduate Medical Education Office here at UMMC has specific paperwork that also needs completed. They request that paperwork be provided 90 days advance notice for elective requests to assure that GME can obtain the required approvals of the Chief Medical Officer and the self-insurance trust. This applies to observational rotations as well. Additionally, if agreements are required by the receiving institution for an elective, those documents must be submitted to GME for review by the legal representatives of the medical center and the self-insurance trust.  

The resident requesting the elective must complete and sign the following forms:

If you are on a J1 visa, you must complete the Notification of an Off-Site Rotation form and scan it to Serena Roach at serenaroach@umm.edu for submission and approval from the ECFMG before returning the completed elective form to Haidy. ECFMG approval can take up to 10 business days.

‍NOTE: Per ACGME and GME guidelines, elective rotations at other institutions will not be approved if the same rotation could be completed at UMMC.

Use of The Institutional DEA Number

When residents/fellows are rotating to an institution or facility other than the University of Maryland Medical Center, they may not use the University of Maryland Medical Center’s institutional DEA registration number.  Instead, rotating resident/fellows should use the Institutional DEA Registration of the hospital/facility (training site).  In the event the training site does not have an Institutional DEA Registration Number, then the supervising physician at that location must write the prescription for any controlled substance under their Personal DEA Registration Number

Please note the following:

Types of DEA Registration Numbers:

  1. An Institutional DEA Registration Number is a unique number issued by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) to a licensed, eligible institution that handles controlled substances. An “Institutional DEA Registration Number Suffix” or “Suffix” is a unique code that is assigned to a Prescriber when the Prescriber begins training at the facility. The Suffix is appended to the Hospital’s Institutional DEA Registration Number and authorizes the Prescriber to dispense, administer, or prescribe controlled substances under the Hospital’s Institutional DEA Registration Number, provided the Prescriber does not have a Personal DEA Registration Number. Therefore, an Institutional DEA issued to the University of Maryland Medical Center cannot be used at other facilities, whether system hospitals/facilities or not.

  2. A Personal DEA Registration Number is a unique number issued by the DEA to a licensed, eligible Prescriber who applies for the right to dispense, administer, or prescribe controlled substances (e.g., narcotics). Once a Prescriber has a personal DEA Registration Number, he or she may not use, under any circumstances, an Institutional DEA Registration Number, regardless of the hospital/facility where they are rotating/working.

Therefore, to summarize:

  • A Resident/Fellow is not authorized to use the University of Maryland Medical Center’s Institutional DEA Registration Number while practicing/training at any other hospital/facility other than the University of Maryland Medical Center; and

  • A Resident/Fellow cannot use the University of Maryland Medical Center’s Institutional DEA Registration Number if they have obtained a Personal DEA Registration number, even if they are working at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Sleep Medicine Elective

Director: Montserrat Diaz-Abad, MD (mdiaz@som.umaryland.edu)

Sleep Medicine is available as an option at University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus (outpatient clinics, sleep laboratory); 0.5 to 1-month full- or part-time.

The sleep program consists of adult sleep clinic at University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus, 7th floor main hospital. The University sleep clinic treats all varieties of sleep disorders and interprets all varieties of sleep studies. In addition, the behavioral sleep medicine program is run by a psychologist specialized in sleep medicine, who provides cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, motivational enhancement therapy for CPAP compliance, as well as other behavioral interventions for other sleep disorders.

Faculty staffing consists of board-certified sleep specialists: 4 with background in pulmonary and critical care medicine, 1 in psychiatry, and 1 in psychology.

There is also an ACGME accredited one-year fellowship program with 2 fellows.

  • Schedule

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: clinic 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

    Wednesday morning didactic conference, 8:30 to 9:30 am. From 9:30 am to 11:30 am, reviewing of sleep studies with sleep medicine fellows, except third Wednesday of the month. Every Wednesday 1:30 to 3:00 pm formal sleep reading session.

    Second Tuesday afternoon every month there is Multidisciplinary ALS clinic in the same location of regular sleep clinic; attendance is optional.

  • Educational Strategies

    Faculty supervision during patient evaluations, didactic multidisciplinary conferences, participation in polysomnography (sleep study) interpretation sessions.

Last Updated: November 11, 2024